Magnus K RR CB Mount 7.62
- Ionbond DLC coating on CB and SR series brakes
- Conical shoulder surface on mount (CB and SR version)
- 100% titanium construction of suppressor body
- 360-degree fully-welded baffle core
- Magnum rated
- Rock-Solid POI Repeatability
- Patented SR brake with full lockup in at least two positions
To put it simply, the MAGNUS line is the highest performing hard-use titanium suppressor on the market right now.
The MAGNUS was originally released in 2022 as a high performance Magnum rifle suppressor, with a full-auto-rating when used with the SR mount.
We are now releasing two additional lengths, a K-length at 5.5″; and an S-length at 6.9″ ; besides the original “full” length of 9.0″.
In each of these three lengths, we are offering the MAGNUS in three calibers: .30, .338, and .375 cal.
Our development of the ULTRA50 through late 2022 and 2023 clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of a muzzle brake mounted on the exit end of the suppressor.
Thus, we are offering all MAGNUS models in two variants: (1) the standard flat-endcap version, and (2) the “RR” or “Reduced Recoil” (some might call it “Race Ready”) version
When shooting 300 Winchester Magnum, the RR models (all lengths) offer over 60% recoil reduction when compard to a bare muzzle. For comparison’s sake, a normal MAGNUS-CB with flat endcap only has a 29% reduction on 300WM. See the table at the top of this page for all the recoil reduction data (click on it to make it larger!).
The RR models of each variant add 1.5″ to the overall length and add approximately 2.4 ounces.
We’ve also fully characterized the sound performance using the same methodology as the 2023 SILENCER SUMMIT. The data for “most” of our current suppressors is here, with experimental and analysis documentation: Full Sound Test Results of most current TBAC suppressors (with waveforms).
This is the naming scheme for the MAGNUS MODELS:
{-X} if present, this is the length designator for K or S lengths. If absent, indicates full-length (9.0 for CB/BA/HUB mounts).
{-RR} if present, this indicates the RR or Recoil Reduction model.
-YY indicates the MOUNT type. Possible choices are CB, BA, HUB, and SR. The various mount choices available are detailed below.
-CAL indicates the caliber of the suppressor. Possible choices are 30, 338, and 375.
For example, the MAGNUS-K-RR-CB-30 is a K-length MAGNUS with the RR brake, a CB mount, and .30 caliber. A MAGNUS-SR-30 is a .30 caliber MAGNUS SR (normal/full length).
Best-for: Hunting, PRS.
The Magnus-K (normal endcap version) is the best choice if you want the least length added to your rifle. Suppression is between an Ultra 5 and an Ultra 7 (Gen2).
The Magnus-K-RR (Reduced Recoil version) is the best choice if you want recoil reduction and the least length added to your rifle. Recoil reduction (using 300WM number for comparison) is over 60%. Shooter’s Ear sound reduction is about 10 dBA louder than the non-RR version.
Best-for: Long-range shooting, Hunting, PRS
The Magnus-S (normal endcap version) is the shorter version of the Magnus and gives up little suppression while being over 2″ shorter. Supression is between an Ultra 7 (Gen2) or Dominus-CB and the Ultra 9 (Gen2).
The Magnus-S-RR (Reduced Recoil version) has the most recoil reduction (on 300WM) of the RR models, by about 2%, because it hits the sweet spot of gas pressure at the RR brake ports.
Best-for: up to .30 cal Magnums, Hunting
The full size Magnus (normal endcap version) the quietest .30 cal suppressor and is ideal for big .30 cal magnums. On smaller calibers it’s also the quietest. For reference, supression is significantly better than an Ultra 9.
The Magnus-RR (Reduced Recoil version) is the best option for big .30 cal magnums because it has the most sound reduction of any of the RR models while still having over 60% recoil reduction on 300WM.
General Magnus Info
Let’s cut to the chase– The MAGNUS is the quietest .30 cal suppressor on the market for almost every caliber — .223’s, 6mm’s, 6.5mm’s, 7mm’s, and .30’s — up to .300 Norma Magnum. The only thing quieter — in some cases — is a 338 ULTRA GEN2, which is larger.
The MAGNUS is available with four different mounts: CB, BA, SR, and HUB.
CB. For .30 cal only. The MAGNUS-CB shares the same CB series mounts as our Ultra 5, 7, and 9 series, and the Dominus-CB.
SR. For .30 cal and .338 only. The MAGNUS-SR shares the same SR (Secondary Retention) mount as our Dominus-SR, Dominus-K-SR, and 338 ULTRA SR. This model is 0.70-inch longer and 2.9 ounces heavier than the CB version. This version has the same Hard-Use/Full-Auto rating as the DOMINUS-SR, i.e., Lifetime to exceed at least 10 SURGE cycles on a 10.5″ M4 / MK18. The other versions of the MAGNUS are NOT full-auto rated due to the mount being insufficient.
BA. For .338 only. Same as 338 Ultra BA
HUB. For .30 and .375 cal only.
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